Essential Oils

Essential Oils have changed my life: for the past 35 years, I have used them every day for my physical, emotional and spiritual health. Since there are so many therapeutic benefits that are derived from the oils, I use them to guide and support people on their path to healing and self-discovery. A little oil can make a big impact.

Lavender, a love story

Lavender was my first exposure to essential oils. Someone handed me a bottle and said, “Smell this, it will relax you.” And it did.

Soon the whole house smelled like lavender: lavender heart potpourri, lavender baths, lavender on the sheets and pillow cases, lavender deodorant, lavender pancakes, lavender everything—until I found out there were more essential oils than lavender—a lot more!

I was insatiable and had to learn about every one of them. One by one, I had to try them all on myself and with my son. You name it, we tried it. Oils for tummy aches, for nap time, boo-boos and even…. “sexus interuptus”—ask me about THAT!!

That was the beginning of my essential oil journey. And now 35 years (and at least 150 different oils) later I find myself leading a community of essential oil-obsessed working moms—go figure!

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