What you learn during this life-transforming training:

  • A transformation of the self

  • A healing modality which includes a palette of 15 nondual healings which, because of the nondual nature of this work, help heal both the client and the healer

  • A process of diagnosis that springs from the unitive state of consciousness

  • Unique spiritual practices, exercises and meditations which heal the heart, open the mind and lead to ever-deepening states of consciousness

  • A moving meditative practice which offers a living experience of the nondual state

Nondual Kabbalistic Healing Year-By-Year

6 two-day online classes

Year One prepares the student in body, mind and spirit to be able to hold the states of consciousness that will be taught in the following years. To this end, we learn meditations and teachings that help deconstruct historical beliefs and patterns that no longer serve us and support new ones that will bring us into a larger view of ourselves and what healing truly is.

6 two-day online classes and 1 four-day in person retreat (if the world permits)

The second year of training is one of depth, insight and revelation as we begin to delve into the mystical vision of the creation of the universe and the process of manifestation. We now begin to enter into the world of the Nondual Kabbalistic Healings themselves.

On a personal level, in Year Two we continue to discover what it means to be in relationship with the parts of ourselves that we abandoned in order to survive our childhood wounds. We look deeply at healing and the ego. We learn to stop trying to get rid of the ego and discover the importance of having a healing ego. We learn, perhaps for the first time, that the ego, when healing or returning to its proper form and place, becomes an abode for the holy. We get a glimpse of what it means to be made in the image of God.

6 two-day online classes and 1 four-day in-person retreat (if the world permits)

The third year of Nondual Kabbalistic Healing is deeply exciting as students begin to integrate various parts of the first two years’ teachings into a new whole and are guided in using this foundational understanding to then explore the world of healing.

A main focus of this year is learning additional profound healings and the Diagnostic Process. The Nondual Kabbalistic Healings usher in profound shifts and changes in our personal lives and consciousness⎯⎯changes we could not have imagined or perhaps even understood before. As we deepen into these healings, we gain confidence that we will be able to assist others in making similar shifts.

By the end of the third year we are very different than we were when we entered the room on the first day of training. Moreover, our understanding of the nature of reality has undergone a similarly alchemical shift.

4 two-day online classes and 1 four-day retreat (if the world permits)

The studies of Year Four unite in a new way work on the personal self and its relationship to the Absolute or God Consciousness. In this year, we learn an original moving meditative practice called Impersonal Movement (IM) and the advanced healings of NKH.

This year focuses on setting up the conditions for us to be able to live and work from the unitive or nondual state of consciousness and brings us a direct experience of our fundamental nature, which is the union of the personal and the impersonal. In Year Four, we make a radical shift into direct experience of the impersonal and then into three healings, which are seated at the interface between the personal and the transcendent. The practice of IM increases our understanding of the unitive state and sets up the relationship for us to be able to engage in the advanced healings.

Nondual Kabbalistic Healing Training with Eileen Marder-Mirman_2.jpg

Who should take this training?

Anyone who has a longing to awaken and heal, to know their true nature and bring compassionate action and healing into their life, the lives of others and the world. Our students include:

spiritual seekers, doctors, bankers, business professionals, energy healers, teachers, clergy, nurses, artists, body-workers, psychotherapists, stay at home parents, chiropractors, lawyers, technical professionals

*No prior knowledge of healing or any spiritual path is required to enroll in the training*