Tips for Reducing Stress

Being in a completely stress-free zone may be our desire, what is more realistic is for us to find a way to be in a better relationship with it so we don’t get completely overwhelmed 😩.

Tips for Reducing Stress with Eileen Marder-Mirman

Since November I have been dealing with a lot of emergencies, illnesses and the death of family and friends! It has been so stressful and tough.:-(
And we suddenly lost our favorite kitty, our little love 😻, and we were heartbroken 💔and devastated.

During this time I have become aware of how I hold my breath way too much. When I feel frightened--I hold my breath. When I am upset--I hold my breath. When I am tired--I hold my breath. 😟

The crazy thing is that holding our breath creates even more tension and less blood circulation--not good!! And more stress :-(.😲

So I have had to return to engaging with basic mindfulness practices 🧘centered around conscious breathing and started using a few extra essential oils to support internal peace and relaxation.🙇‍♀️

When I do this, I have more ability and strength🏋️‍♀️ to go through my day.

And, I am always using the oils to change the biochemistry of my body and my mind-it is truly amazing.🌿

➡Take a moment and sit down. Become aware of your breath. Just by becoming aware of it it will start to slow down and get into a more natural rhythm.

➡ Using essential oils relaxes the mind, the body, and the heart. My favorite oil for decreasing stress is clary sage. I rub it on my neck, chest, and my feet--I truly feel better within minutes.

🙏If you would like to learn more about breathing and using essential oils I am happy to set up a chat with you. Just PM me or comment here and I would love to connect.

You don’t have to be alone, transform the pain into healing.