
What? Me? You think I have needs?

Believe it or not, we all have needs. We have basic needs and more evolved needs:

We have the need to sleep🛌--this is really important. There is mixed research around all of this. Some of the research indicates that we need at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep; but seriously, I say, get as much as you can when you can get it since it affects our whole attitude🙃 and energy ⚡️.

The Meditating Metropolitan Mama _ Meditation for Moms _ with eileen Marder-Mirman_website by Layla Ann Lugo

We need to eat well; and I mean we need to eat a healthy diet. Lots of veggies 🥗, some protein, nuts, seeds and fruit🍏. It is best to eat organic foods that are fresh and very little processed food. This is best for the kids too.

We need to be creative 🎨, whether it is doing our mothering in a creative manner, making something 🧶, or expressing creative ideas at work 👩‍🎨or on a project. It doesn't need to be a grand scheme, start with something simple.

We need friends 👭and we need to take the time to talk with them and a girls night out once in a while is ideal.

And we need time to ourselves either going somewhere for a few hours, you know me, I love to wander 🚶‍♀️and meditate 🧘‍♀️. I also love to read a good book 📚, knit and binge-watch 📺 shows on Netflix.

And exercise 🏃‍♀️ much to say about this.

This is just a beginning--truth is, we have needs as working parents and as people.

What are the needs that you have that you are neglecting?