
To Teach Healing & Awakening, I Visit Vulnerable Places Within Myself

I am about to leave to teach a 4 day intensive for my Nondual Kabbalistic Healing school where I am a senior teacher. It is very exciting to go into New York City to be with 30 wonderful human beings from all over the world who are committed to being good souls by transforming their personal suffering so they can bring healing into the world.

The work that we do is BEYOND THERAPY and very different than many of the spiritual teachings available. It is incredibly beautiful and profound healing work that is heart opening.

Beyond Therapy Healing Work With Eileen Marder-Mirman

So here’s the thing, in order to teach this healing and awakening work, I visit various vulnerable places within myself. Afterall, how could I really help someone transform their suffering unless I transform mine?

Here are some ways that I have prepared for the retreat:

🙏I took a lot of time and space for myself--I made a really good soup and ate some good salad, nuts and fruit. Making sure my body is nourished gives me strength and sustenance on all levels--physically, emotionally, mentally and physically.

🙏I reviewed and edited the lectures I will be giving. I haven’t taught this class for two years so it is really good to freshen up my talk, that way it is more alive and exciting when I am teaching.

🙏I meditated and did some other practices. This helps me feel more present and centered and in deep relationship with life.

🙏I spent time remembering my parents; Dad died 12 years ago on Sunday and Mom passed 14 years ago yesterday.

🙏As always, I worked with various essential oils to support immune system, my mind, my heart and my overall energy.

Do you teach, heal, or guide people as well?

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